Presentation Overview

Oral Presentations

Presenters at each venue (Kihada Hall, Meeting Room 1) can use a projector for their presentations. You can connect your own computer via an HDMI cable. Additionally, we will provide a Windows PC, allowing you to present using PowerPoint or PDF files.

Oral Presentation Times:

  • General Presentations: 10 minutes for the presentation, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A.
  • Invited Lectures: 25 minutes for the presentation, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A.
  • Keynote Lectures: 40 minutes for the presentation, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A.

Timer web page:

General 15minutes

Invited 30minutes

Keynote 45minutes

Kihada Hall
Kihada Hall
Meeting room 1
Meeting Room 1

Poster Presentations

In the poster session, you can display posters up to A0 size (841mm x 1189mm). The venue will also serve as the reception area, providing an opportunity for informal discussions while engaging with the posters.

Nanobubble 2024 – Preliminary Schedule:

  • Jan, 9. 2024: Opening for abstract submission (Dealine, April 1st, 2024 Extended! )
  • Apr, 22. 2024: Registration begin
  • May 2024: Announcement of accepted abstracts
  • Jul. 2024: Deadline for speaker registration
  • Sep 30. 2024: Deadline for conference registration
  • Oct 9. 2024: Conference kick-off

We kindly request all users to register an email address during the sign-up process. Upon registering your email, you will receive a confirmation message. However, there are instances where this confirmation email may not reach your inbox. If you do not receive the email, we suggest registering with an alternative email address. Alternatively, you can reach out to us via the ‘Contact Us‘ section on our Registration webpage for further assistance.